Teleportation across a Quantum Computer Chip

Once upon a time, it required state of the art quantum optics to perform a teleportation experiment. Now we can do it with a regular quantum computer. Here I teleport from the start to the end of a chain of 17 superconducting qubits, using a quantum computer created by IBM Quantum (thanks IBM for the… Continue reading Teleportation across a Quantum Computer Chip

Conservation Laws For Every Quantum Measurement Outcome

In Quantum Mechanics, a cylinder can simultaneously rotate clockwise and anti-clockwise at the same time. This phenomenon, called superposition, is crucial for paradoxes like Schrödinger’s cat, and applications such as Quantum Computing. If we measure which way the cylinder rotates, we will find it to be clockwise or anti-clockwise. This gives us a paradox, as… Continue reading Conservation Laws For Every Quantum Measurement Outcome

Angular Momentum Flows without anything carrying it

Yakir Aharonov, Sandu Popescu and I have written a new paper where we show how Angular Momentum, a conserved quantity, can travel from one place to another across a region of space which is empty except for a vanishingly small probability of containing a particle. Remarkably, this probability, which can be made as small as… Continue reading Angular Momentum Flows without anything carrying it

Teleportation of Post-Selected States

I’ve written a new paper showing how to teleport a state which is post-selected. This combines three of my favourite topics: teleportation, post-selection, and the reality of an a non-local quantum state. My final result gives a simplified measurement for checking that a shared entangled state is really “in” that state at a given time,… Continue reading Teleportation of Post-Selected States